Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

it in that vehicle???Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

It is exempt... just like old, pre-1970's era cars with out emissions control are exempt from Federal emission control laws.Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
That is correct. The old cars are grandfathered in.
It's called the grandfather clause, it applies to almost everything I've seen hotels with one communal bathroom because that is the way they were built then grandfathered in and never closed for business in over 100 years. A salvage car rebuilt may be different.
yeah your OK. and if it only has a lap belt, then your OK as well. but i would strongly advise getting them installed. i know it doesn't do much for the ascetic beauty, but neither does your face imprint in the wheel

But for safety and piece of mind ..

I had NOS seatbelts installed in my son 1970 Superbee
Nope that is not true. If you have an old car with no seat belts, or the seat belts that are not up-dated, then by Law you need to install up-dated seat belts, in that old vehicle. Especially, if you drive it.
Yes, you need a seatbelt at ALL times. I like this law a lot, it will prevent many deaths.
back in the day, they didnt have seatbelts in cars, so if this car does not have seatbelts, than you cant wear it, simple
yes, the classics are exempt
True for North Carolina.

Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?

These are not America's choice

Where are they getting that crap from?

Exactly what America are they talking about - certainly not our America

More war, more spending - I don't think so!Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?
And the Ron Paul supporters are demonstrating just how out of touch they are.

Face it, the guy just does not appeal to the vast majority of Republicans.Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?
Was it more spending, proposed by Clinton-Obama-Edwards alliance?
so youd rather have a president who backs down from aggressors so you could have no war?
All polls are manufactured by the Media
In a blind Zogby Poll, Ron comes out on top. RCP average was 3 points off in Iowa. If that 3 points is still unaccounted for in NH, he's a solid third place (actually, today he already is polling at 3rd place).

Yet, they don't invite him to the last debate in the state they have a primary in the next day. The media contracts these polls out, worded in ways that they get the results they want. Who's to say they don't throw away the results they don't want? If you add up some of the numbers on polls on FOX, they don't add up to 100%, they often add up to 70-80%, sure, some folks might be undecided, and that maybe not reflected, but in that 20-30%, I'm sure Ron is not last.

They sell controversy, it's what brings in dollars. Ron Paul is not the kind of controversy they can afford in the long run, war is good business for media, scandal is good business for media, inept presidents is good business for media. Follow the money for most of life's motivations.
Move to Canada with RP in tow.
I might would belive you if you stated that 1 poll was manufactured. But considering that all the polls show the same information, you can not deny the truth.
Does it really matter what the polls say? It's been proven twice now that they can rig the election, so why does it matter who they claim is popular?

Is it true that margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys.?

And margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC

Is it just an urban legend?Is it true that margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys.?
Margarine has a long and sometimes confusing history. Its name originates with the discovery by Michel Eug猫ne Chevreul in 1813 of ';margaric acid'; (itself named after the pearly deposits of the fatty acid, from Greek margaron, meaning ';a pearl-oyster'; or ';a pearl';). Scientists at the time regarded margaric acid, like oleic acid and stearic acid, as one of the three fatty acids which, in combination, formed most animal fats. In 1853 the German chemist Wilhem H. Heintz analyzed margaric acid as simply a combination of stearic acid and of the previously unknown palmitic acid.

In 1869 Emperor Louis Napoleon III of France offered a prize to anyone who could make a satisfactory substitute for butter, suitable for use by the armed forces and the lower classes.[1] French chemist Hippolyte M猫ge-Mouri茅s invented a substance he called oleomargarine, the name of which became shortened to the trade name ';Margarine';. Margarine now refers generically to any of a range of broadly similar edible oils. Some people have also shortened the name oleomargarine to oleo.

Manufacturers produced oleomargarine by taking clarified beef fat, extracting the liquid portion under pressure, and then allowing it to solidify. When combined with butyrin and water, it made a cheap and more-or-less palatable butter-substitute. Sold as Margarine or under any of a host of other trade names, butter-substitutes soon became a substantial market segment 鈥?but too late to help M猫ge-Mouri茅s: although he expanded his initial manufacturing operation from France to the United States in 1873, he had little commercial success. By the end of the decade both the old world and the new could buy artificial butters.

From that time on, two main trends would dominate the margarine industry: on one hand a series of refinements and improvements to the product and its manufacture, and on the other a long and bitter struggle with the dairy industry, which defended itself from the margarine industry with vigour. As early as 1877 the first American states had passed laws to restrict the sale and labelling of margarine. By the mid-1880s the United States federal government had introduced a tax of two cents per pound, and devotees needed an expensive license to make or sell the product. More importantly, individual states began to require the clear labelling of margarine, banning passing it off as real butter.

The key to slowing margarine sales (and protecting the established dairy industries), however, emerged as restricting its color. Margarine naturally appears white or almost white: by forbidding the addition of artificial colouring-agents, legislators found that they could keep margarine off kitchen tables. Bans on coloration became commonplace around the world and endured for almost 100 years. It did not become legal to sell colored margarine in Australia, for example, until the 1960s.

It remains illegal to sell colored margarine in Quebec, Canada. Quebec margarine has a pale straw colour.

True or False? scientists believe that naturally occurring elements are manufactured within Mars?

false. Mars is just a planet - i.e. just a big rock out there.

as Carl Sagan famously said ';We are all star stuff';.

we are composed of elements formed in stars, that got to us over millions of years following the supernova explosions of those stars. these elements were around when the earth formed (~4 and change billion years ago) and thus make up the earth, the things we grow and eat ...

note, the universe is *at least* ~9-10 *billion* years older than the earth is. so, a whole lot of element formation happened before the earth even started coalescing... the stuff that makes up you and me was formed in this period in stars. stars ';burn'; via fusion processes (';nucleosynthesis';) which releases nuclear binding energy as heat and light. and when these stars explode (supernovae) one can make the elements past ~Nickel.

i.e. normal-sized or huge-sized stars happily make elements up to ~Nickel throughout their lifetime. but the formation of elements heavier than ~Nickel is energetically unfavorable (the nuclear binding energy per nucleon starts to drop w/ increasing nucleon number at around that element). but if the star is big enough, its life ends in a spectacular explosion called a supernova. this process produces the elements heavier than ~Nickel.

these fly around the local neighborhood, and earth picked them up as it was forming via gravity as it coalesced...

turn the crank a ~4 billion years more - and you get you and me.

cheersTrue or False? scientists believe that naturally occurring elements are manufactured within Mars?
false. Why would there be a factory on Mars manufacturing elements?


Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

it in that vehicle???Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
True, but if you are stopped with numerous unrestrained passengers, children or elderly, that isn't going to matter much to the officer. Try to limit occupancy to two adults, driver and passenger riding shotgun.Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
All I can say is that is true, in the state I live in. It could be different in other states though. We have a few vehicles that came without seatbelts... We did have a cop bother us about it once though (said so himself), but he couldn't do anything about it.

If you have kids in carseats, I think they would have to be buckled up though...
I'm pretty sure its illegal even if there were originally no seatbelts.

That's like someone riding in the back of a pickup truck. Gets pulled over, ';well i wasn't wearing a seatbelt because there was none back here!'; %26lt;-- still illegal

If you put seatbelts back there, i'm pretty sure you can ride in the back then!
dont know if its true or not but its sure not safe
Yes it is. You can not be ticketed for not wearing a seat belt if the vehicle was manufactured that way.
It's true but they have been putting them in since the early sixtys and it won't stop them from pulling you over
it is an moot point, today NO cars or trucks are exempt from the seat belt law . just the emission standpoint only the cars and trucks at least an certain age are grandfathered in. you are required to buy a lap belt to install in older cars that does not have one
That is true.

Any knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?

True Religion Brand Jeans was established in December of 2002 to take denim in a refreshing new direction in Los Angeles, CA where the corporate offices and manufacturing facilities are.Any knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?
If you are referring to clergy shirts %26amp; collars there is a company called Friar Tuck that manufactures them. I could not find where you could purchase direct however. But there are several sites that sell them. Below are some links that do:;cat=15鈥? knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?
which ';true'; religion?
  • tvs
  • If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?

    And that many of the things that we buy like CD players cars computers etc. are actually just many things put together by MANY hundreds of companies is this true?If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?
    Yes, that has been true for hundreds of years. No one makes everything that goes into their product..