Sunday, February 7, 2010

John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?

i've heard some veterans criticize him because he almost failed out of the academy but his father kept him in..he crashed a bunch of planes and got ';war hero'; status because he was shot down and you buy this?John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?
This excellent, in-depth article about McCain, his experience during the Vietnam War, and his family might answer your question:鈥?/a>John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?
I don't know any Navy pilot that hasn't had a hard landing on a Carrier. What people fail to mention is that those planes had battle damage when he was landing them. Far as being ';manufactured'; I respect any man who would fly missions into North Vietnam, it had one of the best Air Defense systems built. Also McCain wasn't the only man at the Hilton. So far as I am concerned the man is a hero.
I'm guessing you have never been in the military. In order to make you a unit, you are broken down as an individual. I understand but, I didn't like it much. You lie if you think it's easy.

I don't know about crashing planes but, have crashed a few cars. However, why McCain? Obama is front page.

Edit: Millionaire, why don't you keep your criticism to your own government. This is a topic for Americans

John McCain is a SUPERHERO.

He can change facts from the past %26amp; present faster than a speeding bullet.

He can leap over direct questions in a single bound.
Why don't you go spend 3 years in a POW camp and then ask that question.

Many of those men who were imprisoned with him say that it was his leadership and strength that kept them alive. To me, that is a hero, manufactured or not.
John McCain's POW status during the Vietnam war is well documented, and that alone qualifies him as ';war hero';. If you are looking for fraudulent military records, try Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.
Yes, he is a true American hero. All of the stories you hear in the press are usually distorted by bias. Read up on John McCain on your own and learn the truth.
anyone who served our country is a hero in my book.

it don't mean I like the guy and I sure as hell didn't vote for him. but he did serve our country and he has my respect for that.
War not make one great......Yoda

Sigh....McCain is yesterday's news. However, his story was inspirational to me and I consider him a hero
True war hero, because he was a prisoner of war for more then 5 years and and didnt discharge but served the rest of his years left in the navy.
I think McCain is a hero for being in that war.What he did and how he handled it no.I know many who came back broken and the ones still living now make him look like a nothing.Sorry.
Manufactured hero...he was held captive for over 5 probably haven't served a day defending our country! Have you?
true warmonger!

the guy would probably invade russia if he was elected,
How long did you serve my friend.
Anyone who was or is a POW in my mind is a war hero.
I think he's found his niche.
That's my era. I figure anyone who went to that hell hole of a war in Viet Nam is a H E R O
I heard he made war propaganda tapes for the enemy. The Bush campaign, in SC during Bush's first race, said his captives were having their way with him.

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