Sunday, February 7, 2010

Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?

In recent days people attending Democrat Town Hall meetings have shouted down and laughed to shame BS explanations given by arrogant bureaucrats.

White House front man Gibbs has called these concerned citizens fakes and their anger over government mismanagement and waste as ';manufactured';.

What say you America?

Are you ';mad as hell and not taking it anymore?';

Is Gibbs telling the truth or smearing the good folks that want their Health Care left alone?

Please opine anytime anytime if so inclined. And please when answering don't be the No Spin Zone!Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?
I'm waiting for my Senator to get home for a town hall meeting so I can give her a piece of my mind about ObamaCare.

I am not part of any organization, nor have I been contacted to do so in any way. It is my RIGHT to disagree and question my political leaders. I choose to do so.Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?
It's manufactured. I mean, come in, it has to be. People elected a huge majority of Democrats so that this can get passed. Those who don't like it don't know enough about it.

And why would people want to have healthcare left alone? It's too expensive and wouldn't they want to not worry about it? let the government worry about it. I would pay higher taxes so that others would have healthcare but I would have it too. I mean look at how well Medicare and Medicaid works, the DMV, the IRS, they work so well. Government run healthcare would be operated as well as any Department of Motor Vehicles!

You're being unpatriotic. Stop hating on Obama and the Democratic Party. They were elected. Get out of their way and let them make America better. They've got big plans for us.
Almost every charge against health care reform has been refuted by the facts. The people overcrowding the town hall meetings have been organized with an email campaign that advertises the dates and locations of the meetings and strongly urges them to attend and be disruptive. I have personally seen the emails and they disgust me.

Fortunately, this crowd, while very vocal and disruptive, doing the same things they hated the anti-war protesters for, is still a big minority. And, they are fakes...
Let them snicker and denigrate those speaking their minds in anger at the Obama Agenda held in higher regard than We the People's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The British thought light of the rumors of colonial independence and that didn't work out so well for them; 2010 is soon and those angry citizens vote!
FALSE. The democrats are out of touch with the American people. They have no idea about reality in the lives of the working class. The liberal elites surround themselves with others who talk and think like they do. Going to these townhall meetings was a shock for many democrats. It's time for Americans to speak up and voice their concerns. Gibbs is the biggest buffoon on the Obama staff. Nothing he says holds water.
Yes. Because a lot of them are listening to the far-right wingbats like Bill-O and Limbaugh.

Read it. Decide for yourself.

Is it as bad as they make it out? No.

Is it as good as the White House is proclaiming? No.

So unless the Republicans can come up with a plan of their own instead of wasting their time screaming and throwing a hissy-fit, it's the only reasonable course of action.
Yes and No.

Yes, there's a movement spreading that is encouraging people to show up at the town halls and be vocal.

But how is this different than any other movement encouraging people to vote, protest, write your congressperson? It's what Political Action Committees do all the time. And guess who FUNDS them? Corporations. Unions. Actors. Industries. It's the same thing. Only this time it's being used against the Democrats and they have no idea what to do other than smear.
False!!! But libs would have one to believe that all in America are to bow down and accept everything the government purposes!!! that is false and goes against the same freedoms that the libs are attacking (speech and expression)
Gibbs is delusional and living in a fantasy. Americans ARE mad as hell and are not taking it any more. I applaud each and every one that has come forward. It's good to see the hearts of true Americans come alive again.
The folks are pissed and they aren't going to take the word of the crooks anymore!

Obama lies through his teeth and used to fool most of the people...But we're wising up and you ain't seen nothin' yet!
There's a world of difference between ';popular anger / dissent'; and ';just making crap up to scare people';.

There's been far, far too much of the latter and not nearly enough of the former.
Of course. The health insurance companies and the politicians who are in bed with them are convincing their loyal followers that ever other industrialized country in the world is wrong.
Check out the Link to the Senate Bill:

You people read it and decide whether people are ';fake'; instead of taking the word of your messiah.
No, the polular anger over the health bills comes from people who have ACTUALLY READ THE BILLS and know what a disaster they would bring about.
FALSE...there is no SPIN here, Bill.
It is false.
No, it's not. Liberals always claim this crap.
Nope. Pure crap. People being bussed around to different town hall meetings to shout people down and try to intimidate people. Typical Republican thuggish activity.
I say that you can get angry but shouting and being rude will not get you anywhere especially with elected officials.

Haven't you heard that there were 12 rioters that were actually aids to republican congressman the brooks brothers rioters.
TRUE! The insurance companies are spending 1.5 million dollars a day to fight this thing with any lie and fear tactic they can dream up.

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