Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?

pox virus, the plague, machine guns, tanks, anti-aircraft missiles and assorted weapons of mass destructions? If you bear in mind the Saddam was attacked for just owning some weapons, the trend really started under Bush, he was a closet Democrat!Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?
That would be an anarchist position on the issue, and I'm afraid not a good sell to the public.

I'm afraid that even most avid supporters of the 2nd amendment would have a problem with that. Wish I could help.Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?
God gave you those rights?

Was it some sort of a contract thing, or did the rights just sort of magically appear?

Inquiring minds want to know!
My god given right to do what I please with my property in so far as conducting a simple business is infringed upon by city and county ordinances, state laws and federal guidelines and laws. We are such hypocrites to worry about the federal government always trying to take our liberties when this whole country is made up of states, cities and counties run by fascists! No, Bush was not a closet democrat. He is a true breed Republican; a hypocrite who believes that what is okay for them is not okay for others. And God of the Christians, Muslims and Jews hates hypocrites.

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