Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that the Libs chased all the manufacturing jobs to China?

By making it impossible to US factories to compete by shackling them with envirnmental laws and unions?Is it true that the Libs chased all the manufacturing jobs to China?
Sounds reasonable to me.

The environmental laws make it impossible for companies to improve production without spending massive amounts of money. Since the Party of Gore is the Party of Treehuggers, I'd blame liberals for that.

Unions...don't even get me started on that particular blight on American society.Is it true that the Libs chased all the manufacturing jobs to China?
it is the fault of both parties that all of the good paying manufacturing jobs are moving overseas. They are all beholding to big business and free traders. That is who our government represents, not the people. Until we vote ALL of these traitors out of office,this will never change.
Yeah, and they chased them out of California too. Get a grip, it is all about corporate greed.
A long time ago, a diplomat by the name of Henry Kissinger went to China at the behest of his president Richard Nixon. This paved the way for the mess we now have.

Republicans - both of them.
You not being truthful, My family owns a manufacturing firm and we are democrats, unions are formed by the people and the government does environmental laws. Your wrong on both courts. How long were or has republicans been in power since Reagan, then there was bush, Clinton, then bush again we had during that time 12yrs of republican rule in the congress. So why didn't they do something. They have done nothing for small business we fair better under Dems if you had a small business. Republicans are for big business and no changes why didn't they do something if that was why the jobs left.

We sold the patents to China on TVs and big Items thats the reason. Who did that? REPUBLICAN GREED
No. Quite the opposite. It was the Republican cons. They own all the big businesses in the US and would make a far greater profit by using the slave labor in Communist China to produce their products . They can make a product in China for 25 cents and sell it for $25 here in the US. You do the math. Get it?
An amazingly simplistic understanding of modern technology, manufacturing, and liberalsim. No, liberalsim did not chase manufacturing jobs to China. Actually, America produces more goods that any other nation on earth.
Well, Slick Willy signed the NAFTA agreement that helped make it all possible. Sounds right to me.
You wanna bring back slavery too while you're at it?

The way to bring those manufacturing jobs back is for the government to take over the corporations that moved them to China in the first place.
Yes, if not for unions, U.S. workers might be making 15 cents/hour too.

I find it odd that you consevatives argue time and again that U.S. workers get paid too much.
Clearly you know nothing about this. The jobs went to China because manufacturers would rather pay $10 a week for 60 hours than the wages Americans need to live.
You forgot about greed in general. The jobs moved overseas also because it is much cheaper to manufacture and labor is cheaper which raises the profit margin.
Another monumentally ignorant right wing idiot .

Listen up you slandering fool :


Do you realize exactly how stupid and ignorant you are by posting this drivel of yours ??

By far the major reasons companies take jobs off-shore are the incredibly low labour rates off-shore AND NOT ANY COSTS RELATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS .

You are soooo ignorant and in your abominable ignorance you spew your lies here that other idiots will just repeat ad nauseum.

Now go get a brain transplant or more precisely ,go get a brain period.

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