Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

it in that vehicle???Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

It is exempt... just like old, pre-1970's era cars with out emissions control are exempt from Federal emission control laws.Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
That is correct. The old cars are grandfathered in.
It's called the grandfather clause, it applies to almost everything I've seen hotels with one communal bathroom because that is the way they were built then grandfathered in and never closed for business in over 100 years. A salvage car rebuilt may be different.
yeah your OK. and if it only has a lap belt, then your OK as well. but i would strongly advise getting them installed. i know it doesn't do much for the ascetic beauty, but neither does your face imprint in the wheel

But for safety and piece of mind ..

I had NOS seatbelts installed in my son 1970 Superbee
Nope that is not true. If you have an old car with no seat belts, or the seat belts that are not up-dated, then by Law you need to install up-dated seat belts, in that old vehicle. Especially, if you drive it.
Yes, you need a seatbelt at ALL times. I like this law a lot, it will prevent many deaths.
back in the day, they didnt have seatbelts in cars, so if this car does not have seatbelts, than you cant wear it, simple
yes, the classics are exempt
True for North Carolina.

Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?

These are not America's choice

Where are they getting that crap from?

Exactly what America are they talking about - certainly not our America

More war, more spending - I don't think so!Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?
And the Ron Paul supporters are demonstrating just how out of touch they are.

Face it, the guy just does not appeal to the vast majority of Republicans.Isn't it true that Romney and McCain's lead in polls are manufactured by the Media?
Was it more spending, proposed by Clinton-Obama-Edwards alliance?
so youd rather have a president who backs down from aggressors so you could have no war?
All polls are manufactured by the Media
In a blind Zogby Poll, Ron comes out on top. RCP average was 3 points off in Iowa. If that 3 points is still unaccounted for in NH, he's a solid third place (actually, today he already is polling at 3rd place).

Yet, they don't invite him to the last debate in the state they have a primary in the next day. The media contracts these polls out, worded in ways that they get the results they want. Who's to say they don't throw away the results they don't want? If you add up some of the numbers on polls on FOX, they don't add up to 100%, they often add up to 70-80%, sure, some folks might be undecided, and that maybe not reflected, but in that 20-30%, I'm sure Ron is not last.

They sell controversy, it's what brings in dollars. Ron Paul is not the kind of controversy they can afford in the long run, war is good business for media, scandal is good business for media, inept presidents is good business for media. Follow the money for most of life's motivations.
Move to Canada with RP in tow.
I might would belive you if you stated that 1 poll was manufactured. But considering that all the polls show the same information, you can not deny the truth.
Does it really matter what the polls say? It's been proven twice now that they can rig the election, so why does it matter who they claim is popular?

Is it true that margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys.?

And margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC

Is it just an urban legend?Is it true that margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys.?
Margarine has a long and sometimes confusing history. Its name originates with the discovery by Michel Eug猫ne Chevreul in 1813 of ';margaric acid'; (itself named after the pearly deposits of the fatty acid, from Greek margaron, meaning ';a pearl-oyster'; or ';a pearl';). Scientists at the time regarded margaric acid, like oleic acid and stearic acid, as one of the three fatty acids which, in combination, formed most animal fats. In 1853 the German chemist Wilhem H. Heintz analyzed margaric acid as simply a combination of stearic acid and of the previously unknown palmitic acid.

In 1869 Emperor Louis Napoleon III of France offered a prize to anyone who could make a satisfactory substitute for butter, suitable for use by the armed forces and the lower classes.[1] French chemist Hippolyte M猫ge-Mouri茅s invented a substance he called oleomargarine, the name of which became shortened to the trade name ';Margarine';. Margarine now refers generically to any of a range of broadly similar edible oils. Some people have also shortened the name oleomargarine to oleo.

Manufacturers produced oleomargarine by taking clarified beef fat, extracting the liquid portion under pressure, and then allowing it to solidify. When combined with butyrin and water, it made a cheap and more-or-less palatable butter-substitute. Sold as Margarine or under any of a host of other trade names, butter-substitutes soon became a substantial market segment 鈥?but too late to help M猫ge-Mouri茅s: although he expanded his initial manufacturing operation from France to the United States in 1873, he had little commercial success. By the end of the decade both the old world and the new could buy artificial butters.

From that time on, two main trends would dominate the margarine industry: on one hand a series of refinements and improvements to the product and its manufacture, and on the other a long and bitter struggle with the dairy industry, which defended itself from the margarine industry with vigour. As early as 1877 the first American states had passed laws to restrict the sale and labelling of margarine. By the mid-1880s the United States federal government had introduced a tax of two cents per pound, and devotees needed an expensive license to make or sell the product. More importantly, individual states began to require the clear labelling of margarine, banning passing it off as real butter.

The key to slowing margarine sales (and protecting the established dairy industries), however, emerged as restricting its color. Margarine naturally appears white or almost white: by forbidding the addition of artificial colouring-agents, legislators found that they could keep margarine off kitchen tables. Bans on coloration became commonplace around the world and endured for almost 100 years. It did not become legal to sell colored margarine in Australia, for example, until the 1960s.

It remains illegal to sell colored margarine in Quebec, Canada. Quebec margarine has a pale straw colour.

True or False? scientists believe that naturally occurring elements are manufactured within Mars?

false. Mars is just a planet - i.e. just a big rock out there.

as Carl Sagan famously said ';We are all star stuff';.

we are composed of elements formed in stars, that got to us over millions of years following the supernova explosions of those stars. these elements were around when the earth formed (~4 and change billion years ago) and thus make up the earth, the things we grow and eat ...

note, the universe is *at least* ~9-10 *billion* years older than the earth is. so, a whole lot of element formation happened before the earth even started coalescing... the stuff that makes up you and me was formed in this period in stars. stars ';burn'; via fusion processes (';nucleosynthesis';) which releases nuclear binding energy as heat and light. and when these stars explode (supernovae) one can make the elements past ~Nickel.

i.e. normal-sized or huge-sized stars happily make elements up to ~Nickel throughout their lifetime. but the formation of elements heavier than ~Nickel is energetically unfavorable (the nuclear binding energy per nucleon starts to drop w/ increasing nucleon number at around that element). but if the star is big enough, its life ends in a spectacular explosion called a supernova. this process produces the elements heavier than ~Nickel.

these fly around the local neighborhood, and earth picked them up as it was forming via gravity as it coalesced...

turn the crank a ~4 billion years more - and you get you and me.

cheersTrue or False? scientists believe that naturally occurring elements are manufactured within Mars?
false. Why would there be a factory on Mars manufacturing elements?


Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing

it in that vehicle???Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
True, but if you are stopped with numerous unrestrained passengers, children or elderly, that isn't going to matter much to the officer. Try to limit occupancy to two adults, driver and passenger riding shotgun.Is it true if an old car wasn't manufactured with seatbelts that it isn't against the law to not be wearing
All I can say is that is true, in the state I live in. It could be different in other states though. We have a few vehicles that came without seatbelts... We did have a cop bother us about it once though (said so himself), but he couldn't do anything about it.

If you have kids in carseats, I think they would have to be buckled up though...
I'm pretty sure its illegal even if there were originally no seatbelts.

That's like someone riding in the back of a pickup truck. Gets pulled over, ';well i wasn't wearing a seatbelt because there was none back here!'; %26lt;-- still illegal

If you put seatbelts back there, i'm pretty sure you can ride in the back then!
dont know if its true or not but its sure not safe
Yes it is. You can not be ticketed for not wearing a seat belt if the vehicle was manufactured that way.
It's true but they have been putting them in since the early sixtys and it won't stop them from pulling you over
it is an moot point, today NO cars or trucks are exempt from the seat belt law . just the emission standpoint only the cars and trucks at least an certain age are grandfathered in. you are required to buy a lap belt to install in older cars that does not have one
That is true.

Any knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?

True Religion Brand Jeans was established in December of 2002 to take denim in a refreshing new direction in Los Angeles, CA where the corporate offices and manufacturing facilities are.Any knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?
If you are referring to clergy shirts %26amp; collars there is a company called Friar Tuck that manufactures them. I could not find where you could purchase direct however. But there are several sites that sell them. Below are some links that do:;cat=15鈥? knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?
which ';true'; religion?
  • tvs
  • If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?

    And that many of the things that we buy like CD players cars computers etc. are actually just many things put together by MANY hundreds of companies is this true?If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?
    Yes, that has been true for hundreds of years. No one makes everything that goes into their product..

    My friend told me that manufactured tennis string is normally 'dead', so we need to restring it, is it true?

    teaman, if you mean the string that is in an off the shelf racquet that you buy at the department store or the outlet sporting goods store then yes you should probably have the frame restrung. The suggested tension range is there to give people an idea of how low they can have it strung to gain maximum power while still retaining some control and how high they can have it strung to gain maximum control while still retaining some power. Mid + 2 is a good starting point. Since you don't know where or when the frame was strung you don't know what the real tension is. Hit with it once to see if you can play with it and if it feels like you are hitting long with your normal stroke then the tension is too low. On frames like that the likelihood that the tension is too high is not a consideration at all. Try a nice hybrid or a syn gut 16 or 17 gauge string. The thinner 17 gauge will give you a little more feel and potentially more power since it is more elastic but the 16 will last longer and more than do the job for you.My friend told me that manufactured tennis string is normally 'dead', so we need to restring it, is it true?
    It wouldn't necessarily be dead, but the manufactured strings are usually synthetic gut. Synthetic gut breaks a little easier, and is the cheapest string out there. However, the strings aren't deadMy friend told me that manufactured tennis string is normally 'dead', so we need to restring it, is it true?
    Yeah. It's all a feel thing. If you use it and it feels fine, there's no reason to spend the money restringing it yet. And the strings on pre-strung racquets aren't always terrible. They are just made to last forever. Also, if the racquet was at the store for a while (or has just sat around anywhere for a while), the strings will have lost some tension.

    So, yeah. Try it out and see what they feel like. If they aren't lively anymore, or you just don't like the feel, restring it. And if the thing is more than a year old, put new strings on it. Other than that, just keep using the strings until they either break or don't feel lively anymore.
    It is not clear whether you mean (a) racquets already strung at the shop, or (b) any kind of string, since all strings ARE manufactured. If you mean (a) then it depends on how it feels when you test the racquet. While there is no exact rule on how to determine ';dead'; string, you may want to determine how often to restring with this simple rule of thumb: if you play 3 times a week, then you may want to restring 3 times a year (once every 4 months) and so on. The only consideration for restringing is to avoid breaking string while playing tennis. Worn strings are prone to breaking, especially if you hit with spins. I hope this helps.

    I own a toyota tacoma, it says on the door plate manufactured in california is it true they make this vehicle?

    Assembled in Cali with 70% parts made in US/Canada, 20% parts made in Japan, 10% parts made elsewhere.

    does anyone know the American content of a Ford Mustang?

    60% Ford and Chevy are moving all of their operations there because they don't have the UAW.I own a toyota tacoma, it says on the door plate manufactured in california is it true they make this vehicle?
    The truck is';ASSEMBLED'; in Cali. At the Toyota ASSEMBLY plant.Most or all of the parts come from japan,Mexico and other parts of the world. If it was MANUFACTURED there its price would probably be 10-15k higher.I own a toyota tacoma, it says on the door plate manufactured in california is it true they make this vehicle?
    Yes, over the years Toyota has moved many of their plants to the US to over run that image of ';foreign made'; or ';imported';.

    The Camry, the best selling car for the past 7 years is built down in the Georgia region.

    Honda does the same thing. They have a few plants down in Georgia and Mississippi, one in Ohio and just got approval to build a new one in Indiana.

    Its cheaper for them to build them in the US then it is to build them in a tiny country like Japan, store them, then put them on ships and get them here. This way it cuts out so much middle stuff.

    Plus it allows Toyota to be in touch with the American market, it is why they are no. 1. Also why you see cars like the new Camry already standard with mp3 stereo's, ipod links, etc. Ford or GM are still 8 years behind that kind of standard items.

    Be happy you got a bought the best.
    Are you asking if it is true that it is built in California? Yes if that is what the door plate says.
    I forget the name of the plant,but yes they are made there,I have a friend that works thier,although we have seen each other in sometime!!
    naaaaaaah that's not true.


    John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?

    i've heard some veterans criticize him because he almost failed out of the academy but his father kept him in..he crashed a bunch of planes and got ';war hero'; status because he was shot down and you buy this?John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?
    This excellent, in-depth article about McCain, his experience during the Vietnam War, and his family might answer your question:鈥?/a>John Mccain...true war hero or manufactured war hero?
    I don't know any Navy pilot that hasn't had a hard landing on a Carrier. What people fail to mention is that those planes had battle damage when he was landing them. Far as being ';manufactured'; I respect any man who would fly missions into North Vietnam, it had one of the best Air Defense systems built. Also McCain wasn't the only man at the Hilton. So far as I am concerned the man is a hero.
    I'm guessing you have never been in the military. In order to make you a unit, you are broken down as an individual. I understand but, I didn't like it much. You lie if you think it's easy.

    I don't know about crashing planes but, have crashed a few cars. However, why McCain? Obama is front page.

    Edit: Millionaire, why don't you keep your criticism to your own government. This is a topic for Americans

    John McCain is a SUPERHERO.

    He can change facts from the past %26amp; present faster than a speeding bullet.

    He can leap over direct questions in a single bound.
    Why don't you go spend 3 years in a POW camp and then ask that question.

    Many of those men who were imprisoned with him say that it was his leadership and strength that kept them alive. To me, that is a hero, manufactured or not.
    John McCain's POW status during the Vietnam war is well documented, and that alone qualifies him as ';war hero';. If you are looking for fraudulent military records, try Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.
    Yes, he is a true American hero. All of the stories you hear in the press are usually distorted by bias. Read up on John McCain on your own and learn the truth.
    anyone who served our country is a hero in my book.

    it don't mean I like the guy and I sure as hell didn't vote for him. but he did serve our country and he has my respect for that.
    War not make one great......Yoda

    Sigh....McCain is yesterday's news. However, his story was inspirational to me and I consider him a hero
    True war hero, because he was a prisoner of war for more then 5 years and and didnt discharge but served the rest of his years left in the navy.
    I think McCain is a hero for being in that war.What he did and how he handled it no.I know many who came back broken and the ones still living now make him look like a nothing.Sorry.
    Manufactured hero...he was held captive for over 5 probably haven't served a day defending our country! Have you?
    true warmonger!

    the guy would probably invade russia if he was elected,
    How long did you serve my friend.
    Anyone who was or is a POW in my mind is a war hero.
    I think he's found his niche.
    That's my era. I figure anyone who went to that hell hole of a war in Viet Nam is a H E R O
    I heard he made war propaganda tapes for the enemy. The Bush campaign, in SC during Bush's first race, said his captives were having their way with him.

    The sales agent said the LCD TVs of Japanese brand are manufactured by Korean company. Is it true?

    Don't always believe what the sales people say but it could be true. However, what does it matter to you?

    A TV made by Japanese (or any other manufacturer) can be made in Taiwan, Mexico, China, you name it. However, they still design the TVs and always try to maintain their company's manufacturing standards. Same applies not only to TVs but all consumer goods.The sales agent said the LCD TVs of Japanese brand are manufactured by Korean company. Is it true?
    Samsung and Sony has venture calls S-LCD Corp. in 55 miles out of Seoul, Korea. The Samsung and LG are two large companies produce Plasma and LCD screens for their bland and other manufactures. So your salesman is 1/2 right. the screen might be made in Korea, but other parts might not.

    As far as Plasma vs. LCD. The 8th generation LCD is good as Plasma or better. Samsung, Sony, and Sharp are all put their futures on LCD. they think they will sell 73 million units in 2007.

    Is it true that there are now cryptexes being manufactured? Really?! Where can I get one?

    what are they? try walmart
  • tvs
  • The Haber reaction for the manufacture of ammonia is N2 + 3H2 ---> 2NH3. Which of the followng are true?

    A) Reaction rate = - D[N2]/Dt.

    B) The reaction is first order in N2.

    C) Disappearance rate of H2=3 (Disappearance rate of N2).

    D) Disappearance rate of N2=3 (Disappearance rate of H2).

    E) D[H2]/Dt will have a positive value.

    F) The reaction is not an elementary reaction.

    G) The activation energy is positive.The Haber reaction for the manufacture of ammonia is N2 + 3H2 ---%26gt; 2NH3. Which of the followng are true?
    you can't really answer rate questions without a table to show how varying the concentration will affect rate. However, I do know that E is false and I don't know what you would define as an elementary process, but it can be quite complex in the sense that you must apply a great deal of heat and pressure in order to break the N2 bonds. Adding heat alone would shift the equilibrium to the left since the process is exothermic which is why you need to add pressure: to shift it back to the right. Because you must add heat and pressure to this process, the activation energy is positive.

    The primary use of sulfur in the U.S. is in the manufacture of explosives. True or False?

    False. I think, if I'm not wrong, that the primary use for sulfur(and its inclusion in different formulas) is in the Pharmaceutical medicines.

    Elysabeth Faslund...Poemhunter.comThe primary use of sulfur in the U.S. is in the manufacture of explosives. True or False?
    My money is on rubber manufacturing or pesticides.The primary use of sulfur in the U.S. is in the manufacture of explosives. True or False?

    Ive been told that gilera the Italian bike manufactures is going out of business is this true?

    That arm of business might be in financial difficulty but all Gilera bikes are actually Piaggio-made, with Gilera branding (Piaggio owns Gilera and makes all the bikes) and Piaggio sorted out most of its own difficulties back in 2003/4.Ive been told that gilera the Italian bike manufactures is going out of business is this true?
    Its probably true. But someone will probably buy The name and still produceIve been told that gilera the Italian bike manufactures is going out of business is this true?
    I wouldn't worry to much. Gilera have gone bust and then been relaunched on three occasions in my lifetime - and I'm only 42...
    Gilera is owned by Piaggio since 1969 (others Piaggio owned brands are Aprilia and Moto Guzzi (2004) in Italy and Derbi (2001) in Spain); in 2006 Piaggio earnings went up 85.5%.

    Gilera sales: up 11.3%.

    Few days ago Piaggio made announce about 25 new models (including Gilera's) coming out this year.
    Theyre Itallian,they`ll wallow in the doldrums then get revived again like the last few times
    Mr The Fish above is correct..

    Gilera are owned by Piaggio so may be going through some sort of re-branding and dropping the Gilera name.
    Well Gilera are part of the massive Piaggio group and have also recently announced a 850 V-twin maxi scooter which looks the business, so I don't suppose they can be doing that bad.

    Is it true that Nabisco manufactures the wafers that are used in communion?

    No, it's not. There are various manufacturers of communion wafers and other products that the Church deals with.

    Here's a web site link for one such company:鈥?/a>Is it true that Nabisco manufactures the wafers that are used in communion?
    wafers lolIs it true that Nabisco manufactures the wafers that are used in communion?
    No, but I once heard that their logo had ties to symbols used in witchcraft.

    BTW, when are the Cool Ranch communion wafers coming out? Gotta get me some of those!
    Wafers? Body of Christ surely. Personally, I prefer the blood. you can get really merry on that stuff.
    Not as far as I know.鈥?/a>
    Can anybody buy them? or is it just a church?
    I hate it when they get stuck on the roof of your mouth.
    It doesn't matter a whole lot in the big scheme of things, communion is just supposed to remind us about what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.

    Many companies around the world manufacture ammonia, NH3. Which of the following is true?

    a) No matter where it is manufactured, it will have the same composition.

    b) Its composition will vary from place to place because different amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen are used.

    c) some samples may contain more nitrogen than others.

    d) some samples may contain more hydrogen than others.

    * can someone please answer and explain this question to me ? i really don't get it /=

    thanks guys %26lt;3Many companies around the world manufacture ammonia, NH3. Which of the following is true?
    It would be A. No matter where you make it, ammonia is still going to be NH3. If the chemical they're making isn't NH3, it isn't ammonia. So it must be exactly the same everywhere.

    Is it true India, has developed and manufactured a new lap top PC which is to be sold under Rs.15000 ? Where ?

    HCL MiLeap X鈥?/a>

    guess you are talking about this ^

    launched jan '08

    %26amp; no it's not developed by them

    it's purchased from intel, who in turn get it manufactured by asus鈥?/a>

    is that itIs it true India, has developed and manufactured a new lap top PC which is to be sold under Rs.15000 ? Where ?
    suggest you take a look at the asus eeepc 4G, only single model marketed in india as yet. higher specs

    costs 18k instead of the 15k for the hcl

    do let me know, should you need any more inputs

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  • tvs
  • Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?

    In recent days people attending Democrat Town Hall meetings have shouted down and laughed to shame BS explanations given by arrogant bureaucrats.

    White House front man Gibbs has called these concerned citizens fakes and their anger over government mismanagement and waste as ';manufactured';.

    What say you America?

    Are you ';mad as hell and not taking it anymore?';

    Is Gibbs telling the truth or smearing the good folks that want their Health Care left alone?

    Please opine anytime anytime if so inclined. And please when answering don't be the No Spin Zone!Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?
    I'm waiting for my Senator to get home for a town hall meeting so I can give her a piece of my mind about ObamaCare.

    I am not part of any organization, nor have I been contacted to do so in any way. It is my RIGHT to disagree and question my political leaders. I choose to do so.Press Sec. Gibbs: Popular anger over Health Bill ';manufactured'; True or False?
    It's manufactured. I mean, come in, it has to be. People elected a huge majority of Democrats so that this can get passed. Those who don't like it don't know enough about it.

    And why would people want to have healthcare left alone? It's too expensive and wouldn't they want to not worry about it? let the government worry about it. I would pay higher taxes so that others would have healthcare but I would have it too. I mean look at how well Medicare and Medicaid works, the DMV, the IRS, they work so well. Government run healthcare would be operated as well as any Department of Motor Vehicles!

    You're being unpatriotic. Stop hating on Obama and the Democratic Party. They were elected. Get out of their way and let them make America better. They've got big plans for us.
    Almost every charge against health care reform has been refuted by the facts. The people overcrowding the town hall meetings have been organized with an email campaign that advertises the dates and locations of the meetings and strongly urges them to attend and be disruptive. I have personally seen the emails and they disgust me.

    Fortunately, this crowd, while very vocal and disruptive, doing the same things they hated the anti-war protesters for, is still a big minority. And, they are fakes...
    Let them snicker and denigrate those speaking their minds in anger at the Obama Agenda held in higher regard than We the People's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The British thought light of the rumors of colonial independence and that didn't work out so well for them; 2010 is soon and those angry citizens vote!
    FALSE. The democrats are out of touch with the American people. They have no idea about reality in the lives of the working class. The liberal elites surround themselves with others who talk and think like they do. Going to these townhall meetings was a shock for many democrats. It's time for Americans to speak up and voice their concerns. Gibbs is the biggest buffoon on the Obama staff. Nothing he says holds water.
    Yes. Because a lot of them are listening to the far-right wingbats like Bill-O and Limbaugh.

    Read it. Decide for yourself.

    Is it as bad as they make it out? No.

    Is it as good as the White House is proclaiming? No.

    So unless the Republicans can come up with a plan of their own instead of wasting their time screaming and throwing a hissy-fit, it's the only reasonable course of action.
    Yes and No.

    Yes, there's a movement spreading that is encouraging people to show up at the town halls and be vocal.

    But how is this different than any other movement encouraging people to vote, protest, write your congressperson? It's what Political Action Committees do all the time. And guess who FUNDS them? Corporations. Unions. Actors. Industries. It's the same thing. Only this time it's being used against the Democrats and they have no idea what to do other than smear.
    False!!! But libs would have one to believe that all in America are to bow down and accept everything the government purposes!!! that is false and goes against the same freedoms that the libs are attacking (speech and expression)
    Gibbs is delusional and living in a fantasy. Americans ARE mad as hell and are not taking it any more. I applaud each and every one that has come forward. It's good to see the hearts of true Americans come alive again.
    The folks are pissed and they aren't going to take the word of the crooks anymore!

    Obama lies through his teeth and used to fool most of the people...But we're wising up and you ain't seen nothin' yet!
    There's a world of difference between ';popular anger / dissent'; and ';just making crap up to scare people';.

    There's been far, far too much of the latter and not nearly enough of the former.
    Of course. The health insurance companies and the politicians who are in bed with them are convincing their loyal followers that ever other industrialized country in the world is wrong.
    Check out the Link to the Senate Bill:

    You people read it and decide whether people are ';fake'; instead of taking the word of your messiah.
    No, the polular anger over the health bills comes from people who have ACTUALLY READ THE BILLS and know what a disaster they would bring about.
    FALSE...there is no SPIN here, Bill.
    It is false.
    No, it's not. Liberals always claim this crap.
    Nope. Pure crap. People being bussed around to different town hall meetings to shout people down and try to intimidate people. Typical Republican thuggish activity.
    I say that you can get angry but shouting and being rude will not get you anywhere especially with elected officials.

    Haven't you heard that there were 12 rioters that were actually aids to republican congressman the brooks brothers rioters.
    TRUE! The insurance companies are spending 1.5 million dollars a day to fight this thing with any lie and fear tactic they can dream up.

    I hear that recently manufactured Intel C2D E4300 cannot overclock to 3.4 Ghz anymore. Is this true?

    I planning to buy it but I have heard reports that the E4300 cannot overclock to 3.46 Ghz like the many people who have been able to when they got it close to when the chip was first released. Can anyone give me details on this and also include the max you can overclock it to. Please also tell when you bought the chip too.I hear that recently manufactured Intel C2D E4300 cannot overclock to 3.4 Ghz anymore. Is this true?
    I don't have one, but it's been proven that the Allendale core (E4xxx series) doesn't overclock as well as the Conroe core. Anyway, just wait until the price drop (April 22) and get an E6320. The E6320 and E6420 will have the full 4mb cache and will be priced the same as the E6300 and E6400 they're replacing. The E63x0 will cost the same as an E4300 does now.I hear that recently manufactured Intel C2D E4300 cannot overclock to 3.4 Ghz anymore. Is this true?
    Perhaps they are just not using the right motherboard and/or RAM. Here's one from one of my idols at 3.67Ghz.鈥?/a>

    Is it true that the Maidenform bra company is manufactured by Victoria's Secret?

    I heard it was.....Is it true that the Maidenform bra company is manufactured by Victoria's Secret?
    noIs it true that the Maidenform bra company is manufactured by Victoria's Secret?
    really? i had no idea...interesting. :)

    Is it true some manufactures didn't turn up at British motor show 08 :(

    Is this true, i was told by a friend that some car manufactures did not turn up at the british motor show

    Can anyone who has been please give me the info,

    is it worth going anymore!!!

    Cheers :)Is it true some manufactures didn't turn up at British motor show 08 :(
    Yes, it is true. Not every car manufacturer bothers with such shows.

    Is it true that some apple pie is manufactured with turnip and only apple flavoured?


    And a few others:

    Most common use for veal is in chicken soups.

    Many 'crab' products don't contain crab, but pollock.

    Many fruit juice drinks contain mostly apple juiceIs it true that some apple pie is manufactured with turnip and only apple flavoured?
    Some foods are like that, but most of the time they add flavorings to the actual food item to add the taste and texture.Is it true that some apple pie is manufactured with turnip and only apple flavoured?
    If my mom could have made turnips taste like apple pie, I wouldn't have fussed about eating them.

    God bless modern science.
    Wouldn't turnip and apple taste different?

    If an apple pie is made from turnip, wouldn't it be better to just sell turnip pie?

    Think my head is going to burst.,
    ya thats true
    Most manufactured pies have to state the ingredients.I seriouly doubt that they would be foolish enough to switch some ingredients.Turnips are good but most people could tell apples from turnips.
    In this screwed up country, I wouldn't doubt it!!!!!

    Any knows where true religion clothes are manufactured?

    True Religions??!?! no such thing really..techinally such thing as a True religion/religions. and if you argue with that your just not up to date on what is true :)
  • tvs
  • Is it true that they manufacture diseases now a days?

    They are actually called biological agents depending on how they are used. They have been developing and producing diseases to study, defend and protect against the use of biological agents.

    The earliest use of biological agents actually started when the Roman Empire used animal carcasses to contaminate their enemies' wells. Carthaginian leader Hannibal is credited with an interesting use of biological weapons in 184 BC. In anticipation of a naval battle with the Pergamenes, he ordered his troops to fill clay pots with snakes. During the battle, Hannibal sent the pots crashing down on the deck on the Pergamene ship. The confused Pergamenes lost the battle, having to fight both Hannibal's forces and a ship full of snakes. In 1346, Tartar forces led by Khan Janibeg attacked the city of Kaffa, catapulting the plague-infected bodies of their own men over the city's walls.

    Of course, biological warfare tactics were introduced to America through the use of smallpox as a means to wipe out the Native American population when the pilgrims originally landed on the coast. They would give the Native Americans blankets that had been used be people already infected by the disease.

    Is it true that all the solar panel manufactures are owned by the oil companies?

    No they don't own them but they can affect their chances for getting their products to market.Is it true that all the solar panel manufactures are owned by the oil companies?
    Of course not!

    Who the *%26amp;$#(*%26amp;! start these rumors, and why do sentient beings fall for them????Is it true that all the solar panel manufactures are owned by the oil companies?
    No. Most are relatively new entrepreneurial firms.

    Is it true that Mazda3 is manufactured in US? Even if it has the sale tag ';Made in Japan';?

    Mazda3 2006 and 2007. My car mechanic confuses me saying they all are made in US.Is it true that Mazda3 is manufactured in US? Even if it has the sale tag ';Made in Japan';?
    Haven't you been paying attention? Nothing is made in the USA anymore. Mazda= owned by Ford but made in Japan!Is it true that Mazda3 is manufactured in US? Even if it has the sale tag ';Made in Japan';?
    You are 100% incorrect it is made in Japan at the Hiroshima Plant Ujina 2. The 6 is made in the USA along with the Tribute/Ford Escape and the Mazda truck/Ford ranger (which are the same).



    The first digit of the VIN is the country the car was assembled, J is for Japan, A is for America, 1 is also for America, and other digits for Canada and Mexico, etc...

    The rest of the VIN tells you: the engine installed, the type of vehicle (i.e. 2 door passenger vehicle), transmission type (i.e. Automatic), Year, Assembly Plant, and other details...
    yeah depends on the part, i have a mazda pickup and guess what.. the engine is made by the ford motor company pretty weird huh
    to be honest, no not all cars are made in japan now.... infact most japanese cars are coming over here with plants. to be is already american!lol
    i have no clue but i know that a lot of VWs are actually made in mexico.
    yeah ! I heard that any Mazda from '92 and on up are made in USA. the parts may be from Japan,but it is assembled in USA.

    that's why they all su*k after '91.
    its not true. Mazda3, MazdaSpeed 6 (and the grand touring version) is made completly in japan and they are shipped here.
    almost every single car is made in japan
    A lot of your foreign cars have assembly plants in the U.S. Toyota for sure but not sure about Mazda.
    Simple answer check the Vin if the first letter is a J it was made in Japan that easy. Not all Mazda's are made in Japan a lot though.

    Is it true Nuclear Power Bartered for any Product, Project, Manufacturing then it is worth than Currencies ?

    USD, Euro currencies changing the costing and making even necessities unaffordable. Hence let us not suffer like the way we are sufferring with the present crude oil shocks exclusively due to currencies's trend.

    Energy is a need, why not it can be shared with Barter other than currency.

    Am I right please ?Is it true Nuclear Power Bartered for any Product, Project, Manufacturing then it is worth than Currencies ?
    While on paper your idea sounds fine,some important attendant questions need to be tackled first.Who has excess electricity to

    barter and whether that country will accept what we have on offer?How will the costing be decided? Who will foot the bill for carrying the power from that country to India?How will that carrying cost be paid?If that is to be bartered,

    then with what?The questions will be endless.

    All such practical,tactical and logistic problems including the setting up of infrastructure for generation of power,are solved by resort to monetary transactions which is the universally accepted mode.Is it true Nuclear Power Bartered for any Product, Project, Manufacturing then it is worth than Currencies ?

    Is it true that the audio board of Phillips DVD player manufactured 3-5 years ago is already extinct?

    It seems likely, since there are new electronics offered every 6 months or so. That means 5 years is 10 designs ago -- and with the typical cost of an entire new one at $50 or so, it just isn't cost-effective for them to keep old designs around past their warranty period.

    Is it true that methamphetamines were first manufactured in Nazi Germany under the rule of HItler?

    Second World War

    One of the earliest uses of methamphetamine was during World War II when it was used by various[which?] Allied and Axis forces. The German military dispensed it under the trade name Pervitin.[8] It was widely distributed across rank and division, from elite forces to tank crews and aircraft personnel. Chocolates dosed with methamphetamine were known as Fliegerschokolade (';airmen's chocolate';) when given to pilots, or Panzerschokolade (';tank chocolate';) when given to tank crews. From 1942 until his death in 1945, Adolf Hitler may have been given intravenous injections of methamphetamine by his personal physician Theodor Morell. It is possible that it was used to treat Hitler's speculated Parkinson's disease, or that his Parkinson-like symptoms which developed from 1940 onwards resulted from using methamphetamine.[9]Is it true that methamphetamines were first manufactured in Nazi Germany under the rule of HItler?
    yes, they gave it to the soldires cause it made them need less sleep, less food, more alert and more violent
  • tvs
  • Is it true that some German and Japanese car models are actually manufactured in Turkey?

    You buy a German or a Japanese car quite expensive because it supposedly has German or Japanese quality and labor costs in this countries are very high. But i have been told that some Toyota and Mercedes models are manufactured in Turkey. To avoid any misunderstandings allow me to say that the question has nothing to do with Turkey in a negative way, I just was curious about this information. Thanks Is it true that some German and Japanese car models are actually manufactured in Turkey?
    as I know BMW has an old relation with turkey and it has a company in turkey(also toyota) . but for mercedes and other japanese cars I don't think so.

    but as this companies are under license of mother company, then the quality are same. also know it here are a lot of cars (such as BMW) made in Europe but a lot of parts of this cars, made in turkey(or another countries)Is it true that some German and Japanese car models are actually manufactured in Turkey?
    Every car company makes cars in at least 10 countries so they can sell them in those area's.

    Quality is the same no matter where they are made.

    Same materials, workers have and do same jobs, similar factories, all materials are the same.

    Porsche makes cars in America, Germany, Finland, and other countries as well.
    We have a Global manufacturing process and wherever its cheaper to build cars then they will. Most Honda's are made in Thailand and I know of only 1 BMW made in Germany and that is the 7 series. My Ford Fiesta is made in Germany so technically its more 'German' than BMW.

    It is true at least for BMW.

    Well... GO TURKEY!!!!!!

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Is it true that the engines in Honda Accords manufactured in the '80s 'last forever'?

    I was told that regardless of what else went wrong with these cars, the engines were precious...I know I got my '86 Mercury Grand Marquis up to 350,000...and I wasn't even having much maintenance done.Is it true that the engines in Honda Accords manufactured in the '80s 'last forever'?
    ive got two cars, an '84 volvo 242 with 200,000 miles and an'88 accord with 220,000, they both purr like kittens, but are rough arround the edges. if you like high miles, google search 1,000,000 mile volvo, you might be surprised by what you seeIs it true that the engines in Honda Accords manufactured in the '80s 'last forever'?
    the engines are the best part of those accords... and they are not bad in all other areas too!

    between myself, a couple close friends, and parents I've been responsible for the maintenance and repairs of 5 86-89 models at once.

    very good cars, cheap to own, somewhat expensive to repair but only if you are paying someone else to do it.

    one thing i liked about mine was that right there on the air cleaner it says ';change oil every 7,500 miles';

    i've got hundreds of reasons to say this, and have said it many many times before

    ';Honda is the best engine manufacturer on the planet.';
    I got a 83 honda and it is still alive and kickin in 08'
    There is a reason Honda's have the best resale value ( I work for an auto auction) While there bodies sucked during the eighties there motors where bullet proof. Nowadays there bodies have come around and not succumed to rust but there quality has somewhat staggered. However I believe some hondas today have combined the best of both worlds. So would i buy a honda yes. I would look into a subaru first. There kinda the unknown reliable car.
    I Do not know forever but I know I see a lot of them still on the road around here.

    They are made so much better than American Cars are.
    not forever but they will last longer than the majority of other cars.
    hell muthaphucckken nawl.
    No, because nothing on this earth lasts forever.
    Probably because those cars are made in Japan. Good job with your grand marquis though. Don't forget to change the transmission fluid too and radiator fluid.
    I would like to know who told you that??
    Pretty much true.
    my dad has a 1959 chevy impala with the original engine still in it and it runs like a brand new car.
    Properly cared for, most of the Civic and Accord power trains were bullet proof. Just last week I saw a well preserved original '71 Civic hatchback in a parking lot.

    Granted some of the bodies were rust buckets, but the mechanicals were built for the long haul.
    Mine rusted death before the donkey gave up.
    no. sadly notthing last forever.
    As far as machines go, nothing lasts forever. It may be true however that this engine is built very well and will last for a long time.

    Your Marquis was and still is a beautiful automobile. I remember that car and it was state-of-the-art at the time and rode like as upon a cloud. Mercury, being of the Lincoln family were well made cars. It almost surprises me that you put that many miles on it. That kind of quality is what Mercedes is known for. I always wanted the car you had and regret that I never did.

    You can look up statistics on the Accord. It has a proven track record and in fact I have a Hybrid Civic now. It is a good looking car and gets fantastic gas mileage. I'm sure the Accord is a step above it. It must be, because it is the #1 car to be stolen. That alone might tell you that it is in demand for some reason.

    Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?

    pox virus, the plague, machine guns, tanks, anti-aircraft missiles and assorted weapons of mass destructions? If you bear in mind the Saddam was attacked for just owning some weapons, the trend really started under Bush, he was a closet Democrat!Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?
    That would be an anarchist position on the issue, and I'm afraid not a good sell to the public.

    I'm afraid that even most avid supporters of the 2nd amendment would have a problem with that. Wish I could help.Is it true that Obama will interfere with my god given right to manufacture and own Ricin, Plutonium, small?
    God gave you those rights?

    Was it some sort of a contract thing, or did the rights just sort of magically appear?

    Inquiring minds want to know!
    My god given right to do what I please with my property in so far as conducting a simple business is infringed upon by city and county ordinances, state laws and federal guidelines and laws. We are such hypocrites to worry about the federal government always trying to take our liberties when this whole country is made up of states, cities and counties run by fascists! No, Bush was not a closet democrat. He is a true breed Republican; a hypocrite who believes that what is okay for them is not okay for others. And God of the Christians, Muslims and Jews hates hypocrites.

    If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?

    And that many of the things that we buy like CD players cars computers etc. are actually just many things put together by MANY hundreds of companies is this true?If a company say manufactures CD players isn't it true that most the parts inside were manufactured separately?
    True. Most any product is the result of many companies. In general, however, the company that does final assembly is given credit as the manufacturer. With cars and trucks in the USA, they must list the percentage of parts from outside the USA. The engine and transmission origins are also listed separately.

    Is it true that one really can't steam carpets in manufactured homes? If it is true, why not?

    Well, obviously anything to do with a mobile home seems to draw a lot of contention from folks, hehehe....And I will point out... that you asked about MANUFACTURED homes, not necessarily a MOBILE home. Not all manufactured homes are ';cheap trailers'; -- so the comment about all carpets being of a lower grade is incorrect. Ive replaced a lot of carpeting in mobile and manufactured homes (many times because the homeowner simply wanted a different color)... and the quality of carpeting Ive used has always been as good as what you can buy from a flooring company's mid-price range of offerings. Sometimes better. (Ive seen some really nice berber carpeting in modular homes) Lumping all manufactured houses into the 'cheap trailer' category is not only unfair, it is incorrect. All motor vehicles are not necessarily cheap compacts are they?

    YES, you can steam clean a carpet... you can even shampoo one, if you are careful about it.

    The comment made about the carpet being laid, and then the walls going over the top of it is true of a lot of mobile homes, but not all of them. It's easy to check, just go to one of your outside walls, and lift the carpet. If you have carpet under the wall, as many of them build it, you won't be able to lift the carpet away from the wall. If there is carpet tack under it, then you should be able to pry a corner up, without damaging it.

    The comment about carpet stretching when it gets wet, is also true. This happens to ALL carpets though, not just ';cheap ones';. So... the trick is to get the fibers clean, without soaking the whole carpet down. I worked as a janitor before I did anything else, heheheh.. many many many years ago...and I've kept up with the modern machines and techniques. With some good cleaner for ';heavy traffic areas';, and judicious use of the cleaner, you can clean a carpet very well, without soaking it. Use the steam cleaner ONLY on the areas away from the walls... I wouldnt squirt a lot of liquid on ANY carpet right along a wall, whether it's a mobile home, or not. The sheetrock along a wall acts like a sponge, and the liquid travels up it in capillary action.

    I once had to replace ALL the sheetrock in a single room, because someone had left a window open while the homeowners were away, and it had rained for a few days. Even the sheetrock on the wall opposite to the window, 20 feet away, had to be replaced, because the carpet got wet, and then the water soaked up thru the drywall.

    Flooring -- Yes, the majority of the lower end mobile homes are made with particle board... but more and more of these types of homes have switched to OSB (Oriented Strand Board), or ';wafer board'; as it is sometimes called. The higher end homes tend to lean towards exterior grade plywood. (Sometimes it is offered as an ';upgrade'; option on the home). long as you do not soak the floor with the machine, you will be just fine. The real problem with particle board flooring is when it gets wet, and stays wet. THEN, it will warp and deteriorate. If it gets wet once, and you dry it out promptly, you will have little to no problems with it... I know, Ive worked on enough floors.

    One more comment about carpet stretching -- ALL carpets stretch over time. Some more than others. IF a carpet was installed and the walls built over it....and the carpet needs to be stretched (it will eventually), then all you need to do, is cut the carpet along the wall, and install some carpet tack. Carpet tack only runs a few cents a stick, and you can purchase as little or as much as you need.... I buy it by the box myself, hehehe. Place the carpet tack about 1/4'; to 1/2'; from the wall (do NOT put any in a pathway, hehehe), aim the little gripper nails towards the walls, and hammer down the nails that go into the floor every so often, or staple it in place. Use a power stretcher to stretch the carpet... 'knee kickers' are too hard on your back, hehehe. Trim off the excess carpet, and press it down into the tack strip, and tuck it under around the edge. That's all there is to it... it's easy to do yourself, and the tools can be rented at most supply stores, or rental companies. Oh, if you had to lift a carpet at a pathway..... either use a metal carpet edging to tack it back down, or fold it under itself, and staple it, making sure not to leave any staples raised up. Hammer them down flat. (A pneumatic staple gun, say, 1/8'; to 14'; wide crown, works ideally for this.)

    If you prefer, most carpet layers will come in and stretch a carpet for you, for very little money... say, 30 to 45 dollars per room, and they can do it in quick order....even if they need to install some carpet tack.

    So, it is NOT true that you cannot steam clean carpets in manufactured homes. You can steam clean ANY carpet in ANY home, if you do not put too much liquid down.... even the 'cheap' homes with low end price carpeting can be steam cleaned. I personally see no need to soak the carpeting in ANY home, even the high priced carpets... use the detergents to get the job done. The water from a steam cleaner only acts as a transfer move the dirt from the fibers, into the tank....the detergent removes the dirt from the fibers...not the water. Soaking any carpet does not help.

    Have FunIs it true that one really can't steam carpets in manufactured homes? If it is true, why not?
    well you can steam clean them of course, but one thing you best consider, alot of those homes the carpet and vinyl is installed prior to the walls being built and installed over them. When you steam clean a carpet it will expand, cause the backing is made from a latex based glue and fibers, it's going to have wrinkles in it. And with no tack strip to pull back up to and take out the extra carpet your in for a headache.Is it true that one really can't steam carpets in manufactured homes? If it is true, why not?
    I only know that unless you paid for a carpet upgrade, the carpeting used in manufactured homes is less than premium. Being the standard carpeting is usually the lowest quality/cost they can get, it is not as rugged. I would be very careful of aggressive cleaning agents and practices.
    Off course you can steam clean carpets in manufactured homes.

    Just like any other home with a wood sub-floor though, it's important to use a company that has a top notch water extraction machine.
    I rented a steam cleaner and did my carpets myself. Nice part was being able to rinse several times with just plain water. Really got the scuz out. Be sure to suction up as much moisture as you can, particle board flooring will begin to degrade if left wet too long.

    Want to come do my carpet for me when you do yours?
    I am guessing because of where they are seamed together, try getting someone to dry clean them.
    yes you can steam clean the carpets in a manufactured house.. the reason some may say you cant is a reason not mentioned above.. most not all but almost all manufactured houses are manufactured with particle board as underlayment instead of using plywood... when this type of board gets wet it will expand and become weaker.... i did some work for a friend who has one and in the bathrooms they did spray some kind of water treatment on those boards similar to pressure treating them...just make sure they or you go slow on the sucking up the water part as to extract as much water as possible off the keep from problems down the road..

    Is it true that Nokia N95 manufactured in Finland only?

    I see many people selling nokia n95 on ebay some of them say its the original nokia (not the copy one) made in finland, and other sellers say its the original nokia made by nokia hongkong. can this be true. I mean is the nokia N95 manufactured only in nokia finland or is it manufactured in other countries too like hongkong for example. please I reall need help with this, because I'm about to buy a nokia N95 thats made in hongkong but I don't wanna be fooled and endup getting the cheap nokla N95 copy??!!Is it true that Nokia N95 manufactured in Finland only?
    Hi Angel,

    It used to be true they were only made in Finland but I don't know if it is still true. My suspicion is there is a good chance they are now made in China.

    NormIs it true that Nokia N95 manufactured in Finland only?
    the nokia n95 is made in hong kong.they ship it from there to the USA.
  • tvs
  • Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?

    I heard this last night at a forum but I've never read any of his books.Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?
    Who knows, he just makes things up as he goes along. Here are examples of some comments about him and his smear campaigns against the Catholic Church, John Kerry, and Barack Obama:

    From an August 15 Washington Post column by Eugene Robinson:

    “The ';author,'; and I use the term loosely, whose vicious lies damaged John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign has crawled back out from under his rock to spew vicious lies about Barack Obama. Right-wing radio talk-show hosts are dutifully transmitting this concocted venom. This presidential campaign has officially gotten ugly.”

    From a NY Times article about Corsi's Obama book::

    ';In its timing, authorship and style of reporting, the book is strikingly reminiscent of the one Mr. Corsi wrote with John O’Neill about Mr. Kerry, “Unfit for Command,” which included various accusations that were ultimately undermined by news reports pointing out the contradictions. (Some critics of Mr. Kerry quoted in the book had earlier praised his bravery in incidents they were now asserting he had fabricated; one had earned a medal for bravery in a gun battle he accused Mr. Kerry of concocting.)';

    From Truth Fights Back:

    ';Just this last week, the George Bush/Karl Rove smear machine rolled into action again, pushing another smear book by fringe author Jerome Corsi. The book was published by Dick Cheney’s old spokesperson, Mary Matalin, and placed on the bestseller lists because of bulk buys by rightwing organizations.';

    Here is what Catholics United had to say :

    ';Catholics United today called on Senator John McCain to categorically and unequivocally denounce the bigoted and intolerant comments of author Jerome Corsi. Corsi, who recently reprised his 2004 attacks on the Democratic candidate for president with the book Obama Nation, has a history of making statements offensive to Catholics and other people of faith.

    Corsi has admitted that in March 2003 he posted a comment on the Free Republic website stating, “Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press.” In December 2002 he wrote, “So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the laywers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it.”Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?
    Not exactly, but there is an article not a book. See the link below to the article he wrote if you want to read it for yourself. You can make up your own mind based on what he says, but I think this guy is definitely on the wacko fringe.
    Dunno. He believes that we do not have an 'oil crisis' and that there is an infinate supply of oil in the US and off our coasts. But he also believes in MANY crazy and often racist, bigoted things too, so I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.

    Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?

    I heard this last night at a forum but I've never read any of his books.Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?
    Who knows, he just makes things up as he goes along. Here are examples of some comments about him and his smear campaigns against the Catholic Church, John Kerry, and Barack Obama:

    From an August 15 Washington Post column by Eugene Robinson:

    “The ';author,'; and I use the term loosely, whose vicious lies damaged John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign has crawled back out from under his rock to spew vicious lies about Barack Obama. Right-wing radio talk-show hosts are dutifully transmitting this concocted venom. This presidential campaign has officially gotten ugly.”

    From a NY Times article about Corsi's Obama book::

    ';In its timing, authorship and style of reporting, the book is strikingly reminiscent of the one Mr. Corsi wrote with John O’Neill about Mr. Kerry, “Unfit for Command,” which included various accusations that were ultimately undermined by news reports pointing out the contradictions. (Some critics of Mr. Kerry quoted in the book had earlier praised his bravery in incidents they were now asserting he had fabricated; one had earned a medal for bravery in a gun battle he accused Mr. Kerry of concocting.)';

    From Truth Fights Back:

    ';Just this last week, the George Bush/Karl Rove smear machine rolled into action again, pushing another smear book by fringe author Jerome Corsi. The book was published by Dick Cheney’s old spokesperson, Mary Matalin, and placed on the bestseller lists because of bulk buys by rightwing organizations.';

    Here is what Catholics United had to say :

    ';Catholics United today called on Senator John McCain to categorically and unequivocally denounce the bigoted and intolerant comments of author Jerome Corsi. Corsi, who recently reprised his 2004 attacks on the Democratic candidate for president with the book Obama Nation, has a history of making statements offensive to Catholics and other people of faith.

    Corsi has admitted that in March 2003 he posted a comment on the Free Republic website stating, “Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press.” In December 2002 he wrote, “So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the laywers rip the gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one dies, but that's probably about it.”Is it true that Corsi wrote a book about oil where he said that oil should be manufactured?
    Not exactly, but there is an article not a book. See the link below to the article he wrote if you want to read it for yourself. You can make up your own mind based on what he says, but I think this guy is definitely on the wacko fringe.
    Dunno. He believes that we do not have an 'oil crisis' and that there is an infinate supply of oil in the US and off our coasts. But he also believes in MANY crazy and often racist, bigoted things too, so I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.

    I got a Job Offer from KWS Manufacturing Ghana Ltd. so I want to know about this compny. Is it fake or true/?

    It's fake. It probably came in your e-mail and they will want a fee from you and then you will never hear from them again. Delete it.

    Is it true that clearasil Hair,face and body wash for men is not manufactured anymore?

    Becuase i heard they don't make it anymore but about a week ago i bought it in the drugstore.Is it true that clearasil Hair,face and body wash for men is not manufactured anymore?

    I hear ITEC Manufacturing had a Verson 400 Ton Press for sell. Is that true?

    Itec has a 400 ton Verson press that is in fact for sale. There are not many large presses available in the Mountain States. If you are looking for a large press in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Oregon, or Washington this is something to watch. Check it out at

    Is it true that Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys?

    dont think so, it was made as a healthy alternative to butter but when it was made people seen it as a cheaper alternative so they wouldn't buy it because it made them look poor, so the manufacturer marketed it as a healthy alternative but people still wouldn't buy it, so it was marketed as better then butter for baking but people still didnt buy it so it was marketed as being able to be spread straight from the fridge and people went mad for it!Is it true that Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys?
    Yes, Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it did not fatten them, it posined them. They stopped using it. But now they had thousands of dollars invested in a useless product. So they coulured it, and flavoured it and sold it as a butter substatute. It is one molicule away

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    Is it true that Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys?
    ....from plastic. It is worse for you then butter. It causes all types of problems for your body. One is heart disese. It was not a personal lubricant. Or a healthy alternative to butter. Butter may have it's flaws but its better then Margarine. For example. Butter increases your immune system, and

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    .... helps your body absorb, other nutients. For example if you had butter on your corn, your body would abosorb the corns nutrients better.

    So the answer to your question, is Yes it was.

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    Ask this question

    why does the chemical composition look like plastic?
    Don't think so. Margarine (originally called butterine) has been around since at least the mid-nineteenth century and as far as I know, long pre-dates the mass production of poultry.

    Why do you ask? Where did you hear that?
    No, it was originally made to be used as a personal lubricant.
  • tvs
  • Is it true Kings Of Leon are a manufactured boy band?

    I have it from a fairly reliable source that Kings Of Leon were put together by an industry mogul, in the same way as Take That and other ';boy bands.'; I'm aware two of them are brothers but how did they get together with the others?Is it true Kings Of Leon are a manufactured boy band?
    completely false. They are actually all related and grew up a very religious household and just started creating music for the heck of it. They write all their own songs and taught themselves to play their instruments. They did not even listen to modern music growing up. So the idea that they are manufactured or could even be called a ';boy band'; in quite comical. They are the furthest thing from a boy band that there is.Is it true Kings Of Leon are a manufactured boy band?
    NO WAY. Kings Of Leon are totally REAL ! (and amazing too)

    Actually, 3 of them (caleb, jared, and nathan) are brothers, and 1 (matthew) is a cousin.

    Best band ever by the way


    actually..three of them are brothers, and one is a cousin of all three. did the same reliable source tell you that two of them were brothers? If thats the case, then their not so reliable.
    reliable source? hahahaha. try a different source
    no they arent they write all thier own songs and play their own instruments .

    I hear ITEC Manufacturing has a Barrel Plating System for sell, is that true?

    Itec Manufacturing obtained a Barrel Plating System that is not of any use to them. Contracts did not materialize. It has an American barrel that is about 3 feet long and about 2 feet in diameter. There are four tanks that hold about 200 gallons of solution. There is a heater in one tank. Two tanks have overflow drainage systems.

    Call me at 435-734-9170 and ask for E-Bay for more info. You can see more at

    I heard ITEC Manufacturing is selling Screw Machines, is that true?

    Itec Manufacturing has at least surplus screw machines. These are single spindle machines by Traub, Alexander and other manufacturers. At least two machines are currently running and the others may need some work. More information is available at

    Is it true that TATA is manufacturing a car for middle class people, for just Rs.1 Lakh only? ($2300)?

    Imagine what this will do to the BIKE industry???

    Where can I see a picture of this poor man's car???Is it true that TATA is manufacturing a car for middle class people, for just Rs.1 Lakh only? ($2300)? is manufacturing a car for a lakh..slated to be out in 2008..even BAJAJ..a bik manufacturer has accepted dat d car will affect d bike sales,,so it also has plans to manufacture a 'poor man's car'Is it true that TATA is manufacturing a car for middle class people, for just Rs.1 Lakh only? ($2300)?
    Tata is not mfg. a car for 1 lac. They are planning to manfg. a car for Rs. 100000/-.

    Bike ind. not to worry. Parking and repair and repair charges of bikes are low.

    All has a right to grow at low.

    I can not show you a picture of this car. TATA.
    Yes the car to be manufactured has its plant at Singur west bengal tata plant is situated over there.The car to be manufactured would cost around 1 lakh as stated by TATA officials but recently Ratan Tata head of Tata group

    stated that many competitors are trying to create problems.Already farmers are againsts it in Singur for allocation of land to TATA group

    Also the steel prices are too high to release the car .It might give a jolt to Bike industry in india at start but i feel its too early as earlier statements issued says that the folllowing features will be absent as compared to any poor man car

    There will no air conditioner .

    The engine will be less powerfull as compared to 800 cc maruti that means difficult to drive at hill stations

    A model as released by media is still not released might be in september-october this year we might get a glimpse of it
    Yes.It is true.
    yes its true and wats more is that it is to cost something less than even 1lac.
    ofcourse! it is true...up to media %26amp; publicity..

    But when they deliver their products?how many years they need for that??

    Suppose that car may come in to market after 2 or 3 years, then they will change the price according to new rates of raw material cost, new rates of production totally the rate may hike 4 or 5 times.

    Have you forgot ?what happend in case Maruti cars??

    Sanjay gandhi Planned to deliver a car for Just Rs.25,000/

    Later..what happend? when the car came in to market??
    yes, thats absolutely true.

    And also it is meant for the middle class and

    there is no doubt that its going to cause a major hit to the BIKE industry but not to forget the present scenario in west bengal the AGRICULTURE industry.

    If it is going to go at this rate I really don't understand what will people do when all are able to own more than one car but have nothing to eat....
    yes TATA is manufacturing a car for middle class people to look high class people.
    yes it is true TATA is planning to bring ti to market by 2008

    the 600cc car will be avilable in AC, power steering,power window.yhe engin is placed at the back of the car.

    Is it true that the US Air Force is Manufacturing ';Zigs';?

    You are on the way to destruction. For great justice, take off every ';Zig';.Is it true that the US Air Force is Manufacturing ';Zigs';?
    Why is this in games? ask this in Cars and Transportation%26gt;Aircraft. The Air Force would probably not make something from a game. It would be a waste of time and money to develope something inneficient.Is it true that the US Air Force is Manufacturing ';Zigs';?
    Zig Zags are my papers of choice.
    You can't have a Zig without a Zag, otherwise you're only going in one direction.

    Do you lean towards homeopathic threatments, or the tried and true manufactured medicines?

    I believe in the scientific method and hold even ';natural'; medicines and therapies to that standard. I think you'll find that that's one of the biggest differences between a GREAT natural pracitioner and those that aren't so good. The best ones are constantly looking to improve their practices and separate themselves from the I-read-a-book-so-I'm-an-expert folks.Do you lean towards homeopathic threatments, or the tried and true manufactured medicines?
    I am a strong believer in alternative medicine on all its forms and I think for people suffering from chronic illnesses - that's something they should consider.
  • tvs
  • Is motorola going to exit India?i heard that it has stopped all manufacturing in it true?

    yes it has stopped all services in india. sorry to hear that

    Is it true that condoms are manufactured smaller in?

    Japan? There is this freaking A@@hole saying that when he was in Japan that he couldnt use the condoms cause they were made smaller. I suspect its false and that he is making himself feel like a big shot! Just wondering??Is it true that condoms are manufactured smaller in?
    As others have pointed out, the Japanese condoms are smaller than the western variant. Also, as they've pointed out, both varieties are available there.

    This applies to most if not all Asian countries where you find condoms for locals. There is nothing wrong with their wedding tackle, it's just that they happen to be smaller than us.Is it true that condoms are manufactured smaller in?
    It's true. Average size is different between races. But I don't believe ';couldn't use the condoms cause they were made smaller';. Unless he has extraordinary large one like horse or elephant. If you fill condom with water, it can expand more than twice, three times...and still does not burst. In addition, in Japan he can buy large size, not just average Japanese size because average is average there are needs for Japanese people who have larger one than average. Probably he made his own ancient style condom using pig intestines that might not elastic like modern condom...
    The most popular traditional UK condoms range in size from 52-56mm in width. small sized Japanese condoms provide a snug fit at 50mm. there is no difference however in length,you can get both out there though!
    its true. you know what they say about asian men
    well remind me not to date an asian

    How can I tell if my house is a true modular rather than a manufactured home?

    OK, I'm not exactly sure what difference you are thinking between modular and manufactured. IT is my understanding that what you are thinking a manufactured home comes to your property on wheels in 2 or more sections, it is placed, bolted together, and the wheels are removed. It may or may not be on a permanent foundation since it has a steel frame underneath to support its weight. You can look under and see it. I do not mean a trailer home. A facade of brick stone or siding can be built after it is placed and will have a crawl space. A modular home on the other hand is a home built in sections. These sections can run up to 16'; wide and 50'; long. These too are brought to your property on a trailer, but are lifted and put in place with a crane and put down on a foundation of block or concrete, they may have basements. They are bolted together as well and can be bricked, sided or stucko used on the exterior. Prop ably the best way to tell modular would be look for where modules are bolted together in basement, crawl space or attic space. A multiple floor home would have very large area between first and second floor since all modules have a floor and ceiling. Look in stair ways.How can I tell if my house is a true modular rather than a manufactured home?
    modular and manufactured are the same thing! And they are both the same as a Mobil home, the only difference is that they are put on a foundation. I bought a double wide Mobil home, and my friend got a modular..... and they are exactly the same!How can I tell if my house is a true modular rather than a manufactured home?
    A modular and a manufactured home are the same animal.Your think of a mobile.the only difference is a mobile has wheels mounted to the sub frame and a hitch by the road..

    Is it true that CZ has stopped manufacturing CZ 110?


    Is it true in a manufacturing company esp engineering of samples dept, fire fighting daily is normal?

    i happen to be in a dpt which does engineering of samples %26amp; i was told fire fighting daily %26amp; working for about 13hours or more everyday is normal. is this really the case?Is it true in a manufacturing company esp engineering of samples dept, fire fighting daily is normal?
    safe working conditions, 8-10 hours work days with 2 days in 7 is normal. Also, 2 weeks per year paid vacation and 5 days paid sick days is normal.

    Is it true that Zara manufactures in ships to reduce taxes and reduce factory-to-shop times?

    apparently, I am being told that zara/inditex has recently bought/leased ships where it has set up factory workfloors to enable manufacturing to take place on the journey from Asia ( where they buy the material) to Europe (where they sell)Is it true that Zara manufactures in ships to reduce taxes and reduce factory-to-shop times?
    Well, if it's true, they're not saying. Here's a write-up of how efficient they are.

    Zara is a Spanish clothing company with over 650 stores in some 50 countries. From 1991 to 2003, sales grew more than 12-fold from 鈧?67 million to 鈧?.6 billion, and net profits ballooned 14-fold from 鈧?1 million to 鈧?47 million. Zara has developed a super-responsive supply chain focusing on controlling what happens to products until the customer buys them. The company can design, produce, and deliver a new garment and put it on display in its stores worldwide in a mere 15 days. As a result, it achieves a substantially higher net margin on sales than its competitors. Unlike so many of its competitors choosing to outsource, Zara keeps almost half of its production in-house. Far from pushing its factories to maximize their output, the company intentionally leaves extra capacity. Rather than chase economies of scale, Zara manufactures and distributes products in small batches instead of relying on outside partners, the company manages all design, warehousing, distribution, and logistics functions itself. Rapid transfer of information from shoppers to designers and production staff such hard data as orders and sales trends and such soft data as customer reactions and the 鈥榖uzz鈥?around a new style. Zara鈥檚 organisation, operational procedures, performance measures, and even its office layouts are all designed to make information transfer easy. Zara鈥檚 designers sit right in the midst of the production process and work next to the market specialists and procurement and production planners which increases the speed and the quality of the design process.

    Zara has an informal policy of moving unsold items after two or three weeks. This can be an expensive practice for a typical store, but since Zara stores receive small shipments and carry little inventory, the risks are small; unsold items account for less than 10% of stock, compared with the industry average of 17% to 20%. Zara relinquishes control over very little in its supply chain - much less than its

    competitors. It designs and distributes all its products, out-sources a smaller portion of its manufacturing than its peers, and owns nearly all its retail shops. Against conventional wisdom Zara produces roughly half of its products in its own factories and has a high degree of vertical integration. This leads to a level of control impossible when outsourcing or offshoring. Thanks to the responsiveness of its factories and distribution centres, Zara has dramatically reduced its need for working capital. Because the company can sell its products just a few days after they鈥檙e made, it can operate with negative working capital.
  • tvs
  • Is it true that CFLs use more energy overall (in manufacturing them) and aren't the used CFL's waste worse?

    I've heard that it takes 70-80 times the amount of energy to manufacture a CFL as it does a conventional light bulb. Is this true? Also, I've heard that the old CFLs in the landfills contain far more toxic matter than regular light bulbs. Is the CFL campaign just a scam?Is it true that CFLs use more energy overall (in manufacturing them) and aren't the used CFL's waste worse?
    Nope. The amount of energy used in manufacturing a light bulb is insignificant compared to the amount it uses.

    And CFLs reduce toxic mercury pollution. Fossil fuels contain mercury. Using incandescent bulbs causes more mercury to be emitted from power plants. More than the tiny amount (0.005 grams or less) that is in a CFL.

    It's better if you dispose of old CFLs properly so that even the tiny amount of mercury is not released. But, no matter how they're disposed of, CFLs reduce mercury pollution.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    The bad raps on CFLs are just nonsense.Is it true that CFLs use more energy overall (in manufacturing them) and aren't the used CFL's waste worse?
    Bob is right the amount it save offsets the amount it contains or takes to make!!!
    you may be just right, do research the topic and if true lets all combine and launch an awareness campaign.
    They're not really any better for the environment than regular light bulbs, but they aren't any worse either and they save you some money.
    No, the CFL campaign is not just a scam. Did you do any research?
    if it cost 70-80 times as much energy to create them, wouldn't the bulbs be costing $20 each instead of 1.75 or less? - I bought a couple of cases of CFL's on ebay and they cost me less than $1.25 per bulb including shipping. I have enough for a lifetime
    WHOA THERE partner.

    You're referring to the 5mg mercury content, which is being phased out as fast as it can be - it's the Chinese manufacturer's fault, and it's going to be eliminated in about 5 years. Just like any technology, it has a ramp up, and early adapters like me have to pay a little more to help start everything up. Since it is reasonable to assume about a 5-6 year life span for the bulbs in service, and 5 years additional for the ramp up to no mercury at all, we should continue to recycle if possible, but that's no reason to stop using them altogether. Landfills are already there, and this is a temporary problem at best - let's reduce our energy usage NOW, rather than just be scared.

    As far as the amount of energy to produce, remember that this is all done in China, both incandescent and flourescent. The energy cost per part will go down as demand goes up and better methods of production occur. Otherwise, let's just keep making cars like we did in the 60's instead of ramping up electric cars, right?
    i dont think they are as eco friendly as they are cranked up to be.
    Yep, thats true, but sense Gore susports the cfl, that makes it ok. Aint that a hoot.
    You have gotten some varried, and wrong answers to your question. I've actually done a lot of research on CFL's.

    Almost every single CFL is made in China. We are transporting raw matterials to China to have the bulbs made, and then transporting bulbs back. The amount of fossil fuel used in the simple transportation of the CFL's is staggering.

    CFL's are all packaged in plastic. Incandecents very often come in earth friendly and totally recycable cardboard. If you buy CFL's you now have the plastic packaging that will be around for oh...1000-5000 years. Once plastic is made, it is always breaks down and enters our food chain as plastic.

    The energy used (not even including the shipping costs!) to make CFL's will never equal the amount of energy saved by the bulbs. In effect we are simply transfering the energy usage and polution to China, and reaping the bennifits of a lower power bill in our own Countries.

    Each and every CFL contains mercury. Some of the first CFL contained as much as 60mg or mercury! The newest ones usually only contain about 3.5 mg of mercury. Combind the amount of mercury the CFL contains, plus the amount of mercury produced by the fossil fuel energy like a coal plant to run that bulb, and over it's life it produces about 7.5 mg of mercury.

    An incandecnt bulb would produce 10 mg of mercury if it's energy came from a coal fired plant.

    The reduction in mercury is not that great for the CFL's. The main difference is that the coal fired plants have filters and scrubbers to try and trap that mercury, and not release it into the air.

    CFL's are routinely tossed in the trash by uncarring and careless consumers. So as the bulbs break, the mercury the CFL bulbs contain is being released ALL OVER, with no thought to what it's doing to our groundwater, and air quality. So now instead of the mercury being mointored at the coal fired plants, it's been spread out all over many different countries. Of course if you have old CFL bulb in your house, they may contain a great deal more mercury than you are expecting!

    CFL bulbs MUST be recycled as HAZZORDOUS WASTE!

    Incandecent light bulbs do NOT cotain toxic mercury or gasses. If you are not responsible enough to recycle the CFL bulbs properly, you would be much more environmentally friendly to use the old fashioned incandecent bulbs (packaged in cardboard, and made in America!).

    The true earth friendly wave of the future will be the LED lightbulbs. They are about $45 a piece right now.

    Using a CFL bulb is like replacing 5 incandecent bulbs.

    Using an LED bulb is like replacing 80 incandencent bulbs!


    Homestead/Farming for over 20 years

    What motocycle manufactures make a true Enduro that is street legal?

    AND 250CC OR SMALLER. LIKE A 125-250CC. THANKSWhat motocycle manufactures make a true Enduro that is street legal?
    Yamaha- WR250R

    Kawasaki- KLX250S

    Other dual sports include Yamaha XT250, XT225, TW200,

    Suzuki DR200SE, Honda CRF230L. The last three are pretty low-powered.What motocycle manufactures make a true Enduro that is street legal?
    Mostly Much of manufacturers have produced that type.maybe you can pick one of these :

    - Honda XR250

    - Suzuki DR250Z or 125Z

    - Yamaha WR250F

    - Kawasaki KLX 125 or 250S

    - KTM EXC 200

    - Husqvarna TE 250

    All of them were street legal and ready to ride.

    Manufacturing inventory is one of the three inventory accounts a manufacturing company may have. is this true?

    I think there could be more the three.

    The main others are work in progress and finished goods.

    But there could be a consumables account too, and if they have a side-line buying and selling, a ';goods for resale'; account.

    Is it true that China, India and Brazil are more succesful in manufacturing?

    Yes, the U.S. has had some bad Presidents who sent jobs over sees so rich businesses could go to countries where they could find cheap labor and cheap materials. Furthermore those same bad Presidents gave those rich companies a tax break for going over seas, (Mr. Bush and son). The U.S. does need to straighten up though. While we are still THE military power we can't take on the world and we have to stop this thing we are doing where all we do is handle money. Great countries have become countries who only handled money and they fell apart, (Rome). We do know that manufacturing is causing global warming and we have to find a greener way to do it. Yet, China, India, and Brazil are all better at educating there citizens then we are. We are quickly becoming a second world country as others are moving forward at a quicker pace then we are but we still have a chance. Vote Democratic and if you must vote for a conservative consider Libertarian Party members and at all costs, if your going to vote Republican, avoid far-right conservatives such as James Inhofe, Jim Bunning, John Ensign, or Tom Coburn. They are not helping the country very much at all.Is it true that China, India and Brazil are more succesful in manufacturing?
    China has seen massive amounts of growth in manufacturing ever since they received Most Favored Nation status back in 2000 and became a full member of the World Trade Organization. India has not had a lot of growth in their manufacturing sector, but has seen a lot in information technology, and hi-tech fields. Still very capital-intensive manufacturing is still done in the US. A lot of it is military hardware, but also heavy construction equipment and the machines used in manufacturing. So China is mostly dominating in the manufacture of low-cost consumer goods. However, keep in mind, that a lot of the products being produced in China are still owned by companies that are headquartered in highly developed countries.Is it true that China, India and Brazil are more succesful in manufacturing?
    Yes and No...

    China, India, and Brazil are becoming large countries in the state of manufacturing. Many of their citizens strive to get ahead by working in poor conditions, even if it is for little money.
    good answer Nero

    Is it true that iran manufacturing an ureniam purpulse for her protection(fighting)?

    through communication USA can solve this disaster?Is it true that iran manufacturing an ureniam purpulse for her protection(fighting)?
    No, USA just tries to ensure THEY are the only ones with Neuclear Weapons.Is it true that iran manufacturing an ureniam purpulse for her protection(fighting)?
    i think so ! they want to be a great power in the region especialy with the great countries army in the region they want to say we are here and we should have part of the cake !
    As a general rule, countries that threaten to wipe other nations off the face of the earth (and have shown they can and will follow through with that threat) shouldn't have nuclear arms. Or cable tv...or microwave ovens...toaster ovens are okay, but not microwaves. But I digress.
    Iran has stated again and again that they want nuclear power only and ONLY for civilian purposes and that their religion forbids them to use mass destructive weapons! I think the only threat to world peace and the only country that would ever use atomic bombs is the USA itself since they have used it once already!
  • tvs
  • True or false: the primary use of sulfur is in the manufacturing of explosives?

    False. Primary use is to produce sulfuric acid which is mostly used to extract phosphate to prepare fertilizer.

    Production of explosives is a minor use in term of % of usage of sulfur, in comparison.True or false: the primary use of sulfur is in the manufacturing of explosives?
    False.Sulphur has been and still is used to make a number of medical products.However the chinese used Sulphur as early as the 3rd century,as an ingredient in Gunpowder.True or false: the primary use of sulfur is in the manufacturing of explosives?

    Many years ago,our cargo ship went to Taiwan with a ship load of sulfur. I heard that it was for manufacturing of explosive.

    Is it true ITEC Manufacturing has Drill Presses for sell?

    Itec Manufacturing is selling some of its drill presses.

    Check out it true ITEC Manufacturing has Drill Presses for sell?

    Gavriluk Oils it is in perm city of Russian is petrochemicals manufacturing is true?

    tell me it is true or not?Gavriluk Oils it is in perm city of Russian is petrochemicals manufacturing is true?
    Yes. It is true.

    Is it true that more power is consumed manufacturing a solar panel than it can generate it's life?

    No, this is a myth that continues to propagate. It might have been true decades ago, when panels were very inefficient, and cost more energy to produce.

    The document linked below is from the National Renewable Energy Lab of the US. It shows an energy payback time of 1-4 years, depending on the type of panel. You can see the anticipated payback time of as little as 6 months in the future.Is it true that more power is consumed manufacturing a solar panel than it can generate it's life?
    while there are some truth that manufacturing solar panel are Quiet expensive, and silicon amorphous slicing are little expensive procedure, the benefits and the durability of a high quality solar panel can offset the cost associate in manufacturing this material the silicon solar cells can provide a continued electricity that is rated for as much as 20 years or more, and scientist and manufacturer are looking for many way to lower the cost of manufacturing solar cells/panelsIs it true that more power is consumed manufacturing a solar panel than it can generate it's life?
    its not true at all

    Today there are plenty of DIY guides that teach a novice DIYer design solar panels at a minimal cost. These guides offer thorough instructions and simple to understand schematics. As a result, practically anybody can design one. Though it may look quite scary to some, the manufacturers of these educational kits simplify the task a lot. Few of them even have an educational video that shows you how to do the construction, thus simplifying it more.
    hiii tim

    Your question made me think about this too.

    The place I found to be usefull when reasearching about: solar energy, solar power and energy.

    Hope that shows you the answer you are looking for.

    No it isn't true the pay back period is just over 6 years鈥?/a>
    Do we ask the same thing about the other ways we generate electricity. Why does renewable energy or clean energy have to be held to a higher standard. Everything takes resources and energy to be manufactured.
    It is not true.

    It takes about 2 years to produce the amount of energy it takes to make the panel. Panels can last 20+ years.

    Is it true that there are only a few MICROCHIP manufacturing facilities in the U.S. that are worth millions?

    Someone told me that there are only like 4 major ones and a lot of them being owned by IBM. IS that true that there actually aren't very many ';MICROCHIP'; factories?Is it true that there are only a few MICROCHIP manufacturing facilities in the U.S. that are worth millions?
    I dont know how many there are in the US but ';fabs'; are very expensive to build and operate, so I wouldnt doubt its true.

    Is it true fluoride is made from toxic chemical waste from aluminum manufacturing,has arsenic, chemical weapon?

    It gives you bone cancer, it makes you stupid, it rots your brain?

    They have to wear chemical weapons suits when they put it in the water?Is it true fluoride is made from toxic chemical waste from aluminum manufacturing,has arsenic, chemical weapon?
    Thank you for demonstrating why it is important to take science classes in high school.

    I am amazed that you think that arsenic can be used as a chemical weapon.

    Why don't you try taking a chemistry class?Is it true fluoride is made from toxic chemical waste from aluminum manufacturing,has arsenic, chemical weapon?
    Fluoride and Chlorine are both toxic and put in Tap water and bottled water, but it is safe in moderation. The amounts they put into toothpaste, bottled water, and tap water are very safe. fluoride and chlorine are chemicals that kill bacteria and keep the water clean and keep your teeth white. nothing to worry about hun. too much of anything can kill you, but you will be just fine.
    If you drink bottled wter, you won't be exposed to fluoride. On the other hand, your teeth will get more cavities. Take your choice. The other benefit from tap water, of course, is that you will develop more antibodies.
    Yeah and it makes your teeth rot too.
    did you know that your tin foil hat is made from that same aluminum of which you speak?
    that and more.
  • tvs